D²4H’s research teams graduated from the Lean Launcher Programme of HKSTP

Two research teams representing the Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health (D24H) participated in the Lean Launcher Programme (the “Programme”), an entrepreneurial mindset and technology translation skills training workshop organised by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), and have completed its first module in January 2022.
Throughout a 12-week experiential learning module, the Programme was delivered in the format of thematic tracks by experienced trainers, industry practitioners and mentors who were domain experts in their fields. One of the teams developed a solid business model in the area of personalised medicine service while another team focused on wound assessment. The two D24H teams discovered the essential elements in building up and validating Business Model Canvas (BMC), Value Proposition Canvas (VPC), as well as Business to Business (B2B)/Business to Customer (B2C)/Business to Business to Customer (B2B2C) models when shaping marketing strategies and targeting potential customers.
Halfway through the Programme, the teams conducted interviews with industrial partners, medical practitioners, and affiliates in their social networks to fine-tune their business concepts. Tutors and peer groups of the Programme also provided the teams with advice on how to modify their business models that would improve the value proposition and strengthen the competitive edge.
More details about the Programme: https://www.hkstp.org/innovate-with-us/institute-for-translational-research-overview/lean-launcher/