Professor Gabriel Leung joins the BloodCounts! team
D²4H’s Chief Scientific Officer – Professor Gabriel Leung will take part in the BloodCounts! team led by the University of Cambridge for developing an innovative infectious disease outbreak detection system.
Professor Benjamin Cowling honoured with an MBE in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours List
D²4H’s Lead Scientist – Professor Benjamin Cowling received an MBE award in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
Professor Yi Guan conferred the 2021 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
D²4H’s Lead Scientist – Professor Yi Guan received the 2021 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award conferred by the Gairdner Foundation.
Professor Gabriel Leung joined the board of Wellcome Trust – a global health foundation
D²4H’s Chief Scientific Officer – Professor Gabriel Leung has been appointed as Member of the Board of Governors in Wellcome Trust.
D²4H has commenced operation at the Hong Kong Science Park
A closer look at D²4H’s office since its commencement in January 2021.
Professor Benjamin Cowling conferred as RGC Senior Research Fellow
D²4H’s Lead Scientist – Professor Benjamin Cowling has been awarded the RGC Senior Research Fellowship.