Professor Yi Guan conferred the 2021 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award
D²4H’s Lead Scientist – Professor Yi Guan received the 2021 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award conferred by the Gairdner Foundation.
D²4H Scientific Talk Series: Leveraging healthcare big data for screening and treatment of lipid disorders in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong
D²4H’s online seminar for understanding how electronic health record data coupled with machine learning can be used tackle familial hypercholesterolaemia.
Professor Gabriel Leung joined the board of Wellcome Trust – a global health foundation
D²4H’s Chief Scientific Officer – Professor Gabriel Leung has been appointed as Member of the Board of Governors in Wellcome Trust.
Opening Ceremony of the Laboratory of Data Discovery for Health
The opening ceremony of the D²4H was officiated by its Chief Scientific Officer and Lead Scientists with the presence of representatives from HKU and HKU Innovation Holdings Limited.
D²4H has commenced operation at the Hong Kong Science Park
A closer look at D²4H’s office since its commencement in January 2021.
HKSTP Thought-leadership Series: Using Artificial Intelligence to Control the Growing Epidemic of Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal
The first webinar of the D²4H on discussing the use of AI to control the growing epidemic of vaccine hesitancy and refusal.